Contact Chambers Hearing Centers
Ernest Chambers
Oregon License # HAS-P-22-6656
Mailing Address
PO Box 150, Alvadore Oregon 97409

You can contact us to schedule a free consultation, where we will provide hearing testing and evaluate your needs. This is a no-pressure appointment, meaning you won’t feel like you have to buy something you are not comfortable with. We come to you at your residence for your convenience. You can also schedule a time for cleaning, repairs, replacements, or if you have any general questions. We provide speedy service and we are always happy to help!
Stop by one of our free service centers at retirement homes and assisted living communities in Eugene, Springfield, Junction City, Albany and Salem each month. At these centers, we provide cleaning, inspection, evaluation of effectiveness, free battery replacements, and hearing aid education. This also allows you to speak with us and be trained on better hearing aid use. View our times and locations.
Contact us by giving us a call or filling out our contact form. We’ll get back to you shortly!
Contact Chambers Hearing Centers
Contact Information
Ernest Chambers
Oregon License # HAS-P-22-6656
Mailing Address
PO Box 40913, Eugene OR 97404