Hearing Aid Repairs and Replacements
Our extensive knowledge of hearing aids allows us to provide hearing aid repairs to most models from various manufacturers. We can be contacted whenever your hearing aid is damaged, malfunctioning, or needs new batteries. If your hearing aid is not repairable, it will be returned to you at no cost. We also provide monthly in-home appointment plans for our warranty holders to keep your hearing aids clean, fully-operational and batteries fresh. Each of our hearing aids come with the finest warranties to ensure that you receive hearing aid repairs and replacements whenever you need them.
Remember that no matter where you purchased your hearing aids, we will help you get the most out of your hearing tools.
Many people try to fix their hearing aids on their own, and we believe this is a mistake. Often, when a hearing aid malfunctions, this is a result of the hearing aid not being cleaned properly. Sometimes the hearing aid will need to be programmed differently. We recommend contacting us before attempting to resolve an issue, to prevent further possible damage.
We do not want you to go a day with discomfort or failed hearing.
If you experience a malfunction or feedback, it’s important that you let us know right away so we can provide the proper repairs and maintenance. We are happy to provide special visits to your residence to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Rather than getting frustrated with your hearing aid, throwing it in a drawer, and spending money on a new one…give us a call. We can help!
Ernest Chambers
Licensed Hearing Instrument Specialist
1574 Coburg Rd., Box 975
Eugene, OR 97401